All Opportunities
This is a comprehensive list of departmental scholarships awarded by the University of South Carolina – Columbia campus. In order to apply, the student will need to sign in by clicking the ‘Sign In’ button in the top right corner of this page. Sign in requires the student to log-in using their UofSC Network Username and Password. For students who have not yet set up their Network Username and Password, please review the Help Desk information here for assistance.
Deadline: This is the date by which you should complete the General Application, any Supplemental Applications, or any individual scholarship applications to receive consideration.
Award: The amount stated is for general information purposes and not a guarantee of what you may receive if awarded. Actual award amounts can vary based on recipient eligibility, available funds, and other factors.
Actions: Upon completion of the General Application and any Supplemental Applications, you will be automatched with scholarships for which you meet the criteria. These scholarships indicate “None” under “Action” and require no additional information from you for consideration. A limited number of scholarships indicate “Apply” under “Action” and require individual applications for consideration. A list of these scholarships can be found by viewing Recommended Opportunities from the Opportunities tab.
Award | Name | Actions |
Varies |
Augusta Baker's Dozen
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C. Tom Sutherland Scholarship Fund
Worthy full-time SLIS student(s) in MLIS program (must be enrolled for 9...
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Chuck Curran CLIS Student Fund for Professional Dev. Opportu
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College of Library & Information Science Schol. Fund
To promote the recruitment of students with excellent academic records...
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Cook Evans Kaminski Fellowship Fund
Awarded to a student of exceptional academic and civic promise in the...
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Cynthia Graham Hurd Endowed Fellowship Fund
Awarded to a deserving individual in an underrepresented group as part...
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Dr. John N. and Jane K. Olsgaard Endowed Scholarship Fund
Outstanding part-time student(s) who have strong scholarly performance.
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Elizabeth M. Tyson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Exceptional CSRA student(s) who have demonstrated strong academic...
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Fred W. Roper Silver Anniversary Scholarship Fund
Any SLIS student with strong potential for leadership.
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Gayle Lynne Holmes Scholarship in Celebration of Youth Serv.
SLIS student from an underrepresented population who plans to specialize...
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H. W. Wilson Scholarship
Worthy enrolled SLIS student.
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Lenora Price Bicentennial Fellowship
Full-time outstanding SLIS student in MLIS program. First preference...
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Library and Information Science Scholarship for Services to Special Education Students
This award will recognize and encourage excellence in the study of:...
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Margaret Ehrhardt Scholarship in Celebration SCASL
SLIS student(s) seeking MLIS in School Library Media. Must be legal...
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Margaret Jackson Bundy Bicentennial Fellowship
SLIS student who is a resident of SC and plans to pursue a career in SC...
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Martha Jane Zachert Scholarship Fund
Exceptional SLIS student(s) who shows promise of academic excellence in...
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Mary Frances Griffin/SCASL Scholarship
SLIS student(s) seeking MLIS and NCATE certification in School Library...
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SC Center Children's Books & Literacy Training Childcare Pro
Ended |
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SCLA Scholarship for Diversity in Librarianship
Full-time SLIS student who demonstrates potential as a library scholar...
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SLIS Doctoral Student Research Support Endowment Fund
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Chesterfield Manufacturing Corp. Scholarship
SLIS student majoring in Information Science. If no appropriate...
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$0.00 |
CIC Alumni Scholarship
Ended |
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College of Library and Information Science Endowment
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$0.00 |
Dewey Decimal Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Dewey Decimal Memorial Scholarship will be awarded by the University...
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F.W. Summers Lecture Series
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Kenneth E Toombs Fellowship Fund
SLIS student interested in an academic library career who has the...
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Wayne S. Yenawine Scholarship Fund
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William M Trafton III Outstanding Student Award
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